Dogs with Separation Anxiety can have both learned this behavior, and have a genetic predisposition to being codependent. They are often the most loving of pets, but their anxiety spirals when they are alone and they lack the ability to self soothe. This anxiety manifests as:
• Panting • Excessive Drooling • Refusing Treats/ Food When Alone • Destructive Chewing • Self Harming (Stress licking or injuring themselves trying to escape) • Barking • Whining • Breaking out of Crates • Compulsive or Repetitive behaviors •
Separation Anxiety can be resolved using a variety of methods depending on the severity of your dogs case. We see many severe cases each year where client have been asked to watch the dog on a camera for various amounts o time and their entire life revolves around their dog. We believe this is not compassionate to the dog or the owner. When a human has to constantly restrict their daily life around their dog resentment and frustration develops in the relationship. We believe in building confidence and a dogs ability to choose autonomy for the best result. We also support clients in learning to live their lives alongside their anxious dog, and let go of a mutually codependent relationship so they can also be free of the guilt of leaving their own home.